Shadowclad® Natural Groove

Shadowclad® Natural Groove is an uncoated panel suitable for staining and painting when used in applications exposed to weather. The Shadowclad Natural Groove product features a 9mm wide, 5mm deep groove profile every 150mm across the sheet.
Shadowclad Natural Groove is H3 LOSP treated for use as a vertical exterior cladding. Shadowclad Natural Groove adds the warmth, versatility and durability of wood to any residential or commercial project. For information on untreated panels for use in interior applications, contact CHH Ply Australia on 1800 338 463.
Features & Benefits
- Manufactured from sustainably-grown plantation pine
- Panels available in 2440mm and 2745mm lengths
- Interlocking vertical shiplap joints for easy and weathertight installation
- Low formaldehyde emission, Super E0: < 0.3mg/L as tested to AS/NZS 2098.11
- Available Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified (FSC® C012019) upon request
- Bandsawn sheet surface provides a consistent tactile finish
- Shadowclad exterior cladding system includes a wide range of purpose-designed exterior flashings
- Shadowclad installation guidelines must be followed. Please refer to the current Shadowclad Specification and Installation Guide for Direct Fix or Cavity Wall Construction as applicable
Shadowclad is manufactured under a third-party-audited quality control programme and is certified by the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) as compliant with AS/NZS 2269 Plywood Structural.
Shadowclad Specification and Installation Guide for Mixed Cladding
Shadowclad Specification and Installation Guide for Mixed Cladding
The information in this guide relates to the installation of Shadowclad as a direct fix cladding including National Construction Code Series 2019, Volume 2, Amendment 1. For guidance on the use of direct fix or cavity wall construction, refer to the 'When to use Cavity Wall Construction Technical Note'
The information in this guide relates to the installation of Shadowclad in cavity wall construction as an external cladding including National
Construction Code Series 2019, Volume 2, Amendment 1. For guidance on the use of direct fix or cavity wall construction.
See how other architects have leveraged the natural beauty of Shadowclad for high end residential and commercial projects.
Technical Note
Shadowclad - When to use Cavity Wall Construction?
Cavity wall construction originated as part of a weathertight solution developed in Canada, and later adopted in New Zealand, commonly known as the 4D’s of weathertightness; Deflection, Drainage, Drying and Decay/Durability where the cavity provides drainage and drying.
Shadowclad NCC 2019 Amendment
Shadowclad Specification and Installation Guides dated September 2018 & the National Construction Code Series 2019, Volume 2, Amendment 1.
Exterior Plywood, Mould Growth & Surface Coatings
Technical Note relating to structural plywood used externally, mould growth and surface coatings.